Get Closer Insights Into GREA22 From our Team

To give you a real picture of the Gulf Real Estate Awards, I caught up with two members of the Awards International team in the Gulf: Aleksandar Ilic, Regional Manager for the Middle East, and Milan Nikolic, the Awards Consultant assisting finalists with this event.


Aleksandar was very excited about hosting a live event in Dubai later this year: “I’ve headed multiple Dubai-based Awards last year and I'm so pleased with how they went. I know the Gulf Real Estate will also be fantastic and are going to be back better than ever!”


In our conversation, he stressed how much finalists can look forward to this year: “We’ll have great, engaging speakers, presentations from the region’s best real estate companies, and a return to the in-person gala ceremony that everyone has been craving!”


Milan described the companies entering this year as “very varied: we have companies of all shapes and sizes applying to show their excellence and share what they have learned.” And with 13 categories this year, ranging from Best Real Estate Project to Crisis & Safety Management, there’s room for a lot of different initiatives to get the recognition they deserve!


After such a transformational year in the Gulf, it will be fantastic to hear companies presenting their initiatives on how they’ve survived and thrived in the past twelve months. Indeed, the Awards are a great place to learn more about the latest real estate trends, as Aleksandar pointed out: “The market is going through a strong growth and rebound stage following the pandemic and everyone is very excited about that. This year, I expect the biggest topic will be around how the post COVID world will influence the real estate - and how to capitalize on this change!”


Our Awards Consultants are always on hand to help finalists and judges have the best experience possible. As Milan says, “I give our customers everything they need. I am here to help them from beginning to end. I’ll assist with picking the correct categories, give you feedback on your entries and presentations and advise how you can best promote yourself as a finalist and as a winner!”


If you choose to get involved as a finalist, there’s a memorable awards experience waiting for you! Milan gave a great summary of what to expect on the day: “Networking, recognition and learning! This isn't just an awards show, it's a learning experience. The judges are experts and will give you honest and useful feedback on your entries and presentations. You will get to meet the best real estate practitioners from the region and establish valuable contacts from the industry. The trophies are pretty cool too!


We’re offering a sizeable discount to anyone joining the Awards before December 23th - enter now!


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